Should SEO Strategies Be Your Only Main Online Marketing Strategy?
It’s difficult to talk about online marketing strategies without mentioning Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Primarily geared in letting websites and webpages stay in the first page of a search engine’s search results page, search engine optimization strategies are ideally made to maximize the power of search engines in reaching an audience, leading users with search results which fall in line with the search keywords a netizen is doing a search on.
It’s actually a smart way of marketing a website, and as such, different SEO practices and strategies have been up, all aimed towards putting pages on top of others in search engine search results.
But should it be your primary course for your online marketing campaign?
Long answer made short: no, it shouldn’t. It should be backed by other online marketing strategies which don’t just deal with rankings, but lead to actual website expectations.
Take the case of keyword densities as an implemented SEO Strategy
When talking about increasing page rankings, the keyword density approach in the roster of SEO strategies is one of the most commonly encountered.
With this SEO strategy, articles and content in webpages are written in a way that they accommodate a number of keywords, keywords which are often used by surfers when using search engines.
The higher the keyword density is in a given page (or page article), the better are its chances to be picked out by search engines as relevant to a search engine user’s search.
While that is all well and good, the authoring process of “keyword driven” SEO articles can only go so far with keyword densities, and at times their content end up being overrun with keywords, making the page’s content incoherent and simply pointless.
Granted, high keyword densities may bring webpages at the top of search engine search results, but if the content in these pages aren’t exactly relevant, then what good would the page’s or the site’s intended purpose be? If content don’t make any sense at all, it would just turn off users, who would then proceed in looking for more relevant website and/or webpage search engine results.
In the end, the page or site may be at the top through keyword-riddled content, but search engine users would know that those can’t actually do anything for them, and the chance of them avoiding the site the next time is a distinct possibility.
Balancing and Synthesizing SEO Strategies with Online Marketing Avenues
To ideally reach a website’s or webpage’s goals, balancing the use of SEO Strategies with online marketing avenues proves to be a smarter, more realistic and sustainable way.
You can implement SEO strategies with social networks, without necessarily churning out keyword riddled content. Alternatively, participation in special interest forums also helps in spreading the word on a page or site, especially if the site or page in question is focused on a particular group’s interest.
The best of website development schools always tell and retell students that the creation of a website is the easiest part in the whole process of website development.
It’s getting surfers to visit your site which is the toughest part, and understanding that philosophy helps in the deployment and success of online marketing strategies and campaigns.
Give users a reason to go to your site. Back your site up with SEO driven articles. Don’t just depend on SEO articles to bring an audience to your site.
It won’t build up web traffic overnight, but consistent and smart deployment of strategies will surely build up web traffic over time, and not drag them down.